

My home is my castle - the proverb goes. It means that home plays a great role in our life. It gives us a sense of stability, security and unity. The word "home" in this sense means not only a country or some native town but also a type of living. Home is the place we long for when we go abroad. 

There are many types of housing. People can live in a detached house, which is a house that is not joined to any other. It must be understood that a detached house can take on any form or style. It can be a mansion which is a very large expensive house, a bungalow which has only one floor, a cottage, which is a house in the country usually with a garden. One advantage of a detached house is the fact that the free space surrounding the building belongs to the family. You can do whatever you would like to be done in your house. The disadvantage is that all repairs in the house should be made by the owner. Some people live in a semi-detached house, where two houses joined together, others prefer to live in a block of flats.

 It goes without saying that types of living differ from country to country. The most common type of dwelling in Britain is a semi-detached house. I believe that such houses attract people because they are less expensive than mansions or bungalows and there is still some privacy even if one wall is shared by the two houses. Moreover, here you have only one or several neighbours in comparison with those in a block of flats. A disadvantage is that you are responsible for the upkeep of your side of the house. Another disadvantage is that you cannot just plan repairs or renovations as you have to consider your twin house. The second type of dwelling which is extremely popular in Britain is a terraced house. Terraced housing is also known as townhouses. The origin of this type of dwelling was in the 17th century in Europe.  A row of identical looking houses share side walls. In the past, terrace housing used to be only associated with the working class for this type of housing was cheap, small and had very little privacy. As time went by, terrace housing became known as townhouses which were more associated with the rich. One of the major advantages of terrace housing is that it is relatively cheaper than a semi-detached built in the same location. One great disadvantage is that there is typically no yard or garden that comes with a unit. As two walls are shared, there is less privacy too.

Speaking about our country, I can say that nowadays there is no problem of choosing a type of dwelling. Everyone can find an affordable apartment to their liking. Some people would prefer a lovely cottage or a large farmhouse somewhere in the countryside. In my opinion, those who choose this type of dwelling are real nature lovers. One of the main benefits they get is having their own land which is at their disposal. They can plant a garden, growing their own fruit and vegetables. Besides, the atmosphere is so calm and quiet in the countryside. So, it's the best place to hide from the hectic city life and recharge the batteries. But there are some minuses of this type of dwelling as well. The biggest one is that it sometimes takes much time to get to the nearest town or city. Though, the car makes things easier. Anyway, commuting to work will be more time-consuming. Besides, it's more expensive to keep a house than a flat taking all the repair costs into consideration. 

That's why most people in our country prefer living in a block of flats. Flats can be of different sizes: from one-room to four-room. It's considerably cheaper to have a flat and keep it in a good condition. Those who live alone usually prefer a studio to a large apartment. In a flat there is less privacy and you are surrounded by neighbours from all sides. You never know what kind of neighbours you will have. In addition, there's no land of your own. So there is no opportunity to have a garden or a swimming pool at hand.

Apart from that different kinds of accomodation can be rented. If you rent either a flat or a house you can't change anything there even the furniture. It may seem inconvenient, but it's better than nothing, right?

As for me, I live in a three-room flat. Our flat is spacious, nicely furnished and has a good layout. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, electricity, running hot and cold water and access to the Internet. There is a living room, my parents' bedroom and my room. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a lavatory and a hall. My mum tends to spend most of her time in the kitchen which is equipped with all the necessary appliances. My father is literary glued to our HDTV. He is obsessed with the news. I'm really happy to have a room to myself. Although it's small, it's really cozy and catches a lot of sunshine. My window overlooks onto a nice garden. My room reflects my personality. Almost every wall has posters which represents my interests. It gives me a chance to be on my own whenever I need it. That's why it's so dear to my heart. Nobody will bother me if I ask for privacy.

To sum up, I'd like to say that everybody is free to choose where to live. But it's important to say that it's not the type of building but people who create a special atmosphere. A cottage or a farmhouse, a detached house or a flat can be a heaven if people treat it with care and love.

Let’s talk about accommodation. Let’s talk about different types of houses.

1. Tell me about the house (flat) you live in.

2. Do you want to move into a new house/flat? Why or why not?

3. What questions will you ask your friend who is going to move about his \her new flat or house?

4. Your friend wants to decorate his\ her room. Give him (her) some advice on how to furnish it.

5.  They say that the place in which you live reflects your character and personality. What do you think about it?

Let’s talk about accommodation.

1. Tell me about the house/flat you live in.

2. Are you ready to share a room with other people?

3. Ask me what my flat/house looks like?

4. Your friend wants to decorate their room and make it more modern. Give some advice on how to do it.

5. They say that living in the city is better than living in the country. What do you think about it?


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