

Knowledge is power. It is one of the most valuable possessions a human can get in his life. We get our knowledge of this world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would have been impossible if people were not interested in learning something. Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. Moreover, knowledge is often associated with freedom, independence and confidence. By knowledge I mean not just any information but the level of education in general or even erudition. One with knowledge can make the better way in the world. That's why the role and importance of education can't be overestimated. 

The system of education in the Republic of Belarus is based on national traditions and global trends in education area. These guarantee equal access to all education stages, unification of the requirements, continuity of all training stages and state financial support. 

Today Belarusian educational system includes 4 stages of education: pre-school education, primary school education, secondary school education and higher education. Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus but around 70% of children attend nursery or kindergarten before they start school. These institutions are for children under six years. Children who attend kindergarten learn social skills when they play with other children and this helps to shape their personalities.  Such children are better prepared for primary school.The public nurseries and kindergartens are free of charge but parents should cover about 60% of the meal’s cost. 

In our country primary and secondary school education are compulsory. All in all it lasts 11 years.  Most children in Belarus start school at the age of 6. The school year begins on 1st September for all grades and lasts thirty-five weeks; holidays take up a total of thirty calendar days. Summer vacations are the longest. School-leaving examinations at Level II (grade 9) and at Level III (grades 10 and 11) are held in June.

The school day starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. But the schedule can vary from school to school and in some establishments students can study in shifts. It's also required in many schools to wear a school uniform or at least follow formal style. Apart from schools children can get primary and secondary education in gymnasiums. The requirements of such establishments are higher as a rule and they can differ in specialization. Alongside with comprehensive schools there are private schools which charge tuition fee. State schools are free of charge.

The basic task of school is to provide students with knowledge of particular subjects.  The typical primary school curriculum includes the following subjects: the Russian and Belarusian Languages and Literature, a Foreign Language, Maths, Drawing, Music, P. E. lessons. From the 5th form Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography and IT technologies are added to the curriculum. Besides gaining knowledge of various subjects children learn to think critically, analyse different phenomena, view problems from different angles and find possible solutions.

  After the 9th grade basic school graduates can continue their studies  at lyceums and vocational colleges,  where they can  get vocational training and secondary general education and become more focused on the practical side of education.

Everyone remembers his or her school and the first school day. It’s an unforgettable event. When I think of my school some pictures come to my memory: I’m on my way to school, flowers in hand, my parents accompany me, saying some kind words and encouraging me, many children with bags and flowers. Happiness, sadness and other emotions, or even love sick, we all can find in our school time. That's why school life is the best time in human life. During this time, we develop many things like physical development, emotions, relationships, and especially knowledge. Various subjects are studied at school. So we have a great variety of things to choose for our future interest in our professional life.

My school is an ordinary building in an old residential area, a 3-storied building with a spacious gym. Most of our classrooms are quite good, light and spacious. When you enter this or that classroom you understand what subject is taught here as you see special devices or equipment in every room.

At school we work at many things like physical development, emotions, relationships, and which is the most important we get knowledge. I work hard so as to gain appropriate knowledge and to pass my future exams successfully. School provides children not only with knowledge. It’s also a place where children spend their free time. There are many amateur groups or circles and sport sections in my school. Special teachers help children to develop their creative abilities either in sport sections, a school choir or theatre, or to improve English after classes. 

Going to school also means you will have a lot of friends. There is nothing better than belonging to a great group of friends and nothing worse than feeling like an outcast. Friends are important. They are shoulders for you to cry on when you are sad or happy so your sadness will be less, and your happiness will be twice. Going to school also means you will have new family, new moms who teach you many things about life. School is our second home. No one can ever forget it.

At the end of grade 11 (general secondary education) students sit the final examinations: the Russian or Belarusian Language, Mathematics, History of Belarus and Foreign Language. If everything is successful you'll receive the certificate of (complete) general secondary education and can enter a university to get a higher education. The choice of the university is one of the main decisions a person makes in his life as it determines his or her future. Thus, it's necessary to evaluate your abilities correctly. You should set your priorities in the spheres which you want to connect your future life with. It's important to listen to the opinion of your parents, peers or teachers but the last word should be yours!

The higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. Everybody can find something to their liking. However, to enter a university one needs to take 3 tests. The subjects and the entrance level vary depending on the university. If the applicant's score is enough he or she will be enrolled in the establishment they have chosen. According to the score they will be  studying either for free receiving scholarships or a tuition fee will be charged from them. Most courses run for 5 years and students can choose to study full time, at evening classes or by correspondence. Grants are available for full-time students and scholarships are awarded to very gifted students.

We can say that Belarus has a developed system of education. Scientific and intellectual potential is the main strategic resource of Belarus. The republic guarantees its citizens the right to universal secondary education and creates means for further professional education. It tries to pay much attention to common human values, developing independent critical thinking instead of simple perception of information. The main principles of the educational system in Belarus are the priority of human values, national culture as the basis of education, humanism, sense of ecological purpose, scientific basis, support of gifted children and others.

Generally speaking, I should say that children have got opportunities to get good knowledge. The programmes of Belarusian secondary school comprise all the subjects necessary for basic knowledge so as to have a chance to choose any profession. Students may be involved in different educational activities which provide not only theoretical base but also practical skills: such as making different projects and presentations, research work, making speeches. The aim of our secondary education is also to learn social skills, to develop critical thinking, to develop understanding of other people, to prepare for life in the workplace and many others. Thus, those people who have got determination, persistence, self motivation will succeed in their future life.

Let’s talk about education.

1. What can you tell me about your school?

2. Does our system of education differ greatly from the British one?

3. Ask me about the school I went to when I was young.

4. Give advice to your friend on how to make school life more interesting and enjoyable.

5. Some people think that education is the key to success. Do you agree with it?

Let’s talk about education.

1. Tell me about the system of education in Belarus.

2. Do you like your school? Why (not)?

3. Your British friend has just entered college. What questions will you ask them?

4. What advice can you give me on how to prepare for exams well?

5. If you were to write an article about school problems, what would you write about?


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