My future career


Choosing your future career alongside with marrying the right person is the most important decision people make in life. Starting with a right profession at the right time can bring you good results in the long run. Scientists have calculated that every person spends approximately 40 hours per week at work. It’s 25% of your time. The longer you stay with a profession, the more experience you will earn. You may spend this time enjoying what you do or torturing yourself. A famous old saying goes: “Find the job that you love and you will never work a day in your life.” That’s what thousands of recent school-leavers are struggling to do.  But with thousands of careers to choose from how to pick one that will become your calling?

There are many factors that may have a great influence on choosing your future career. For some teenagers parents are role models and that’s why they follow in their parents footsteps. Others take into consideration demands of the job market, economic situation and salaries. Such people usually go into something prestigious and well-paid. Anyway your choice should greatly depend on your character and interests.

People who feel comfortable working with numbers may go in for accounting, IT sphere or teaching Maths and Physics. Outgoing and creative types who constantly need to communicate with people will probably be good at management and advertising. If you want to make a difference in people’s lives you may consider becoming a doctor, a nurse or a teacher. These professions are highly challenging but rewarding.

Before choosing a profession, consider the following points. First, take time to think about the impact a profession selection will have on your professional life and analyze all the aspects of the profession. Then, talk about it with your friends who are into that profession already. Asking them about an opinion about your decision is also worth. They can give you more inputs for your decision making process. Moreover, try to make an appointment with a good career consultant and explore the potential of the new profession. Finally, see if your present skills are adequate for the chosen profession, after that take necessary steps to enhance the skills to do this kind of job. And last but not least, discuss this in online forums. Online forums can help you a lot as you receive a lot of useful information from around the world.

As for me, I have always been fond of languages, history and geography. I’m sure that I won’t stand a monotonous office job. I want to travel, explore and have adventures. That’s why I’ve set my mind on the career of a travel guide. In my opinion, it’s the best profession in the world. Every day you do for a living what others only do on vacation. You meet amazing people from all over the world and see inspiring places on a daily basis.

But I realize that it doesn’t mean to be easy. Travel guides may face rude and indifferent tourists, so they have to be charismatic, enthusiastic and knowledgeable to charm the group. I get on well with people and, according to my friends and relatives, I’m good at story-telling. I hope that university will help me get necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in profession.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that the choice of the future career will greatly impact my life so I’m taking it seriously. I have assessed my weaknesses and strengths, set a goal and I will do my best to achieve it.

Let’s talk about future career.

1.     What do you want to do in the future?

2.     Do you prefer to work by yourself or in a team? Why?

3.     What questions will you ask a person who is satisfied with his/her professional life?

4.     Give me some advice on what I need to think about when choosing a job.

5.     What do you think is more important: to have a good salary or to love your job?

Let’s talk about your future career.

1.     What kind of job do you want to have in the future?

2.     Is foreign language proficiency important for your future job? Why or why not?

3.     What questions do you expect from your future employer at a job interview?

4.     Give me some advice on how to create a positive impression on the employer at a job interview.

5.     Some people think that an applicant should be computer literate to get a good job. What do you think about it?


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